Information is King. Communication is Queen. For both are dead and useless without the other, co-existing in life to empower both individuals and nations.

-Isaac Cheong

What value does SQI bring to my organization?

To manage the high cost of misfit between jobs and people in the workforce, organisations have worked very hard using various means but often experience dismal results.

We provide effective solutions based on sharper and deeper understanding of the underlying root causes and behavioural effects of people issues in a volatile, uncertain and globalised work environment. An SQI report helps in these key ways:

    • Reduces uncertainty in making hiring, selection & development decisions
    • Provides solutions for attitude and motivation management
    • Manages talent
    • Reshapes and manages corporate culture

More on Clients who have benefitted from the use of SQI.

Can SQI help my organization identify both high performers and high potentials?

High performers are not necessarily high potentials and distinguishing them is crucial for long-term success. SQI can do so because we differentiate eligibility from personality-fit, thereby increasing selection accuracy and the degree of fit. For instance, some top sales people may be more content driving sales rather than to be promoted as a sales director.

We start out by knowing you and your organisation, including your unique management approach, the requirements of your key positions and the qualities needed for success in your environment. Depending on whether you wish to identify a high performer or a high potential, our consultants will recommend a suitable report accordingly.

We provide insights gleaned from the report to increase your likelihood of selecting individuals with the essential attributes required for long-term success in your organisation. One such attribute is the “Drive for Excellence”. Often, these attributes are not easily or accurately observed through interviews, especially for candidates who are less communicative and relational.

The effectiveness of our advice stems from the validity and accuracy of the instrument.

Read More about SQI.

How will SQI help develop my employees?

Our approach clarifies what drives you and each of your employees. By measuring your personality traits and assessing the interactions among them, we can derive several key points from that unique personality-fit: your motivation, work content values, work intrinsic values, work environment and work relationship values.

With these, we can create a customized, in-depth developmental plan for each of your employees. We can help you set clear expectations, while drawing upon your employees’ motivations. You will discover how to ensure employees feel valued and keep your best performers growing with your company.

How does SQI help my organization in motivating poor performing employees effectively?

Motivation comes from within, so you cannot teach someone to be motivated. However, we can help you understand what motivates your employees, their career values and personality-fit for the particular basic types of work. We will assist you to use this information to provide them with the opportunities and rewards that will help them maximize their potential and make them more productive.

How can SQI help my employees get more out of the coaching process?

Your employees need the buy-in first before they are motivated and equipped to transfer learning from the coaching sessions back to the workplace.
Through the SQI expertise, we affirm an individual’s unique motivations with precision while effectively identifying blind spots relevant to their work environment. This brings to light learning points and allows them to discover in a personalised and contextualised manner.

One key point is that SQI debunks certain logical assumptions people accept about themselves, often derived from self-observation or feedback from others. For instance, some assume that leaders who drive results will are demanding.

Through SQI however, your employees will discover that it is possible for leaders to both drive results and value people or even do neither, depending on their personality trait scores in relation to each other.

More on our clients who have benefitted from the use of SQI.

How does SQI determine if an employee's troubles stem from a need for coaching, a different management style or perhaps from being in the wrong job to begin with?

With information from the SQI report, the discussion with the immediate supervisor, consultation session with the affected employee, feedback from the peers and direct reports, SQI is able to identify the underlying root causes and increase the fit between the problem and the solution.

Through the SQI Traits Analysis for instance, we assess and differentiate positive/neutral traits from negative tendencies that result from a combination of various neutral traits. These include but are not limited to the following:

  • “Assertive” Vs “Aggressive/ Dominant”
  • “Persevere” Vs “Stubborn”
  • “Cautious” Vs “Risk-Averse”

More on how the work personality trait scores in the Master Report reveals a person’s behaviour.

How does SQI compare to other personality profiling tools?

We strike a balance between user-friendliness and delivering comprehensive, accurate results through the following:

  • Credible third-party validation of results
  • Option for the use of customized reports
  • Actionable steps for managing workplace personality traits
  • Option for revalidation of the customised assessment after using it for a year or two
  • Doing the questionnaire once allows generation of multiple reports
  • Five levels of quality checks on input (Forced-ranking measurement, consistency detector etc.)

We address the struggle many have with tools that evaluate a set of essential attributes across groups of individuals (Normative Assessment) without first understanding the uniqueness of an individual’s personality (Ipsative Assessment).

We demonstrate expertise to affirm an individual’s unique motivations with precision while effectively identifying blind spots so that he/she can be developed to the fullest potential and thereby flourish in a volatile, uncertain and globalized work environment.

Like any other tool, SQI is not a perfect tool. It has its value as well as areas for further development.

More on the SQI difference.

Do you offer trials?

Every good instrument for self-awareness leading to fruitfulness comes with an investment. The same principle applies to SQI.

From the wide variety of reports that we offer, we will recommend what is essential to your needs. We can schedule a session for you to receive a free interpretation of the report results. Thereby only charging a fee for the report(s).

To learn more, please contact us.

How much does each report cost?

Depending on your needs, we recommend suitable reports that will best meet your needs in the long-term. As our approach differs to cater to each unique need, our pricing varies.

To learn more, please contact us.

How is the SQI assessment administered?

The conduct of the SQI assessment is hassle-free.

For organisations, an SQI consultant will issue a Report I.D. and Password for each Program Participant / Job Applicant going through the SQI assessment to your HR staff. The staff will send these login details to the Program Participant / Job Applicant via email. The Program Participant / Job Applicant will complete the questionnaire online. The HR staff will generate the report from the online SQI system via a User Account*.

For individuals, an SQI consultant will issue a Report I.D. and Password to you directly via email. After you have completed the questionnaire online, an SQI consultant will generate your report from the online SQI system.

An SQI consultant interprets the report to the recipient if required.

*Currently, this applies to selected types of reports.

To get started, please contact us.

How long does it take to complete the SQI online questionnaire?

There is a total of 64 questions being grouped into 16 groups of ‘Forced-ranking Statements’ to complete.

It takes around 15 to 25 minutes on average to complete the questionnaire. For the results to be captured successfully, all questions have to be completed in one attempt without interval / logging-out and logging-in again.

To get started, please contact us

When can I expect the results?

It depends on the type of report(s) you have requested for. For some report types, you can generate it immediately from the online SQI system after completing the questionnaire. For other report types, our SQI consultants will need time to process them.

For reports that require processing, your HR staff will need to inform our SQI consultant on the completion deadline that they have given to the Program Participant / Job Applicant after sending him/her the login details. We will track accordingly. Individuals who receive the login details directly from an SQI consultant will need to inform us when you have completed the questionnaire. We will process the report within 2-3 working days after the questionnaire has been completed.

Will the results be communicated to the recipient?

It depends on the type of report(s) you have requested for. An individual only needs to complete the questionnaire once and multiple types of reports can be generated to cater to his/her needs.
There are types of reports that are meant for the client (employer) and not the recipient. For the recipient, an SQI consultant can engage him/her to facilitate development using our Learning and Development types of reports.
More on reports meant for the client (employer).

Do you allow heavy users to send out passwords to multiple participants at the same time?

Yes it can be done, for certain types of reports and selected clients. We provide heavy users a HR user account in the online SQI system. With the HR user account, you can login to the system to send out individual passwords to multiple participants at the same time via mail merge.

Can we download and print many reports at one time?

Yes it can be done, for certain types of reports and selected clients. The IT system is designed to be simple to use and easy to understand. We provide training support on how to use the HR user account.


How frequent should an individual take the SQI assessment?

A person derives benefit from taking the SQI assessment again 1-year later as his/her inclinations can change. Intensive self-development work may cause minor adjustments in as little as 6 months.

In addition, other variables may also shift a person’s perspectives which impact their work traits scores. These include other personal, organizational and environmental variables encountered during the 1-year gap period.

In addition, other variables may shift a person’s perspectives which impact their work traits scores. These include other personal (e.g. relationship, health and financial needs), organizational (e.g. revision of the reward system on how staff should be compensated, leadership & management styles) and environmental (e.g. new technology, physical relocation of office) variables encountered during the 1-year gap period.

From a larger point of view, these variables also impact the actual work performance of an individual, specifically on the factor: Job Role Perception.


At what point in the selection / development process should SQI be used?

To be cost-effective and time-efficient in the recruitment selection, we recommend SQI be administered to eligible candidates shortlisted for interview.

We also recommend SQI profiling for new hires holding key positions, 5 to 6 months after they come on board. This increases the probability of keeping well-performing workers.

For learning and development, it is good to profile them before any development process so that the development effort is more targeted and based on an in-depth, comprehensive analysis.

More on the types of SQI Reports and customisable reports.

How do I determine which job applicants should take the SQI assessment?

Once you have narrowed the field down to a few promising candidates, we recommend you administer the SQI assessment. The feedback you receive will help confirm impressions from the initial interview, prepare you to probe more deeply in subsequent discussions with the candidates and make the most informed hiring decisions.

In cases where there is an overwhelming number of candidates applying for a specific position, the SQI assessment can be administered to filter down to a select number of candidates to be interviewed.

To optimise the interview selection process, SQI can assist in developing a set of competency-based questions. These questions complement the SQI Customised Report to help your interviewers assess the extent that candidates are aligned with your organisation’s expectations on all the attributes being measured in the Customized Report.

While conventional competency-based interview questions focus more on ability (the skills), SQI has unique questioning techniques to assess the views and feelings of your candidates towards a situation/ people /organisation, in addition to ability. We can also distinguish between them.

This set of questions can be used organisation-wide as they are not job specific. Training will be provided on the use of the SQI competency-based questions.

Is SQI available in different languages?

Not yet except in Mongolian Language.

SQI is in English as people often talk about English as a global language. With more than 350 million people around the world speaking English as a first language and more than 430 million speaking it as a second language, there are English speakers in most countries around the world.

Is there an ideal score on a personality trait?

There is no ideal score on a personality trait. Rather, a person’s behavioural inclination is a result of a combination of personality traits.

The effectiveness of a behaviour is dependent on its fit with the nature of the work, the people working together and the work environment. A low behavioural inclination score may provide further insight into a person’s work background. It does not imply poor psychological job-fit or a character issue as far as the interpretation of the result in the SQI report is concerned. The score needs to be considered in relation to scores for other dimensions in determining overall job-fit and psychological readiness.

Psychological-fit, also known as psychological suitability, matches an individual’s inner motivation with the vocational role. On the other hand, psychological readiness sharpens an individual’s behavioural fit with the vocational requirements. An individual can be psychologically suitable yet not psychologically ready, due to unaddressed blind spots. Hence, diagnostic clarity is essential for real progress.

Learn more about Work personality Blind spots.

Are there legal issues associated with using SQI assessments?

In alignment with the Equal Employment Opportunity guidelines, professional psychological assessment does not determine the overall suitability of candidates for a job position based purely on a candidate’s personality. Hence in our SQI reports, we emphasise that recruitment, service termination, promotion selection and development decisions should only be made in conjunction with other modes of assessments, assigning weightage depending on importance, so that the assessment is representative and rigorous enough to substantiate to higher management. Other modes of assessment include but are not limited to the performance appraisal report, bio-data, interview assessment, 360 feedbacks if any and the referee report.

In addition, SQI’s work personality assessments meet all legal guidelines and conform with the (Americans with Disabilities) ADA and (The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) EEOC regulations. In fact, our assessments provide objective, non-discriminatory criteria that can often serve as a plus in defending your overall hiring and development processes.

What is SQI’s privacy policy?

SQI provides assessment services based on evaluating and advising people how they can best achieve their maximum potential. In doing so, SQI reviews testing data and other information that is voluntarily provided to us by our clients and/or prospective employees of our clients.

In compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), SQI does not gather personal data, such as our clients’ NRIC and other national identification numbers. We also do not gather personal information including job position, employer’s name, home and office addresses, date of birth, marital status, contact information, financial records, medical history etc.

SQI receives only the names and email addresses of respondents doing the online questionnaire.

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